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TEACHERS - English Version (TEACH)

This course is designed for TEACHERS. It is focused on what we do in the classroom and how we can improve. The goal is to share tips, and activities that help students learn to speak another language. We will help each other gain the courage and take advantage of the enthusiasm of students to strengthen the knowledge they already have. An important focus will be given to share ideas that work in the classroom, as well as some of the problems you have seen. In this way, we will learn from each other and help the student feel more comfortable speaking a new language.
Este curso está diseñado para PROFESORES. Se centra en lo que hacemos en el aula y en cómo podemos mejorar. El objetivo es compartir consejos y actividades que ayuden a los estudiantes a aprender a hablar otro idioma. Nos ayudaremos mutuamente a obtener el valor y aprovechar el entusiasmo de los estudiantes para fortalecer el conocimiento que ya tienen. Se dará un enfoque importante para compartir ideas que funcionen en el aula, así como algunos de los problemas que haya visto. De esta manera, aprenderemos unos de otros y ayudaremos al estudiante a sentirse más cómodo hablando un nuevo idioma.
  • Welcome
  • Course Introduction
  • Introduce Yourself
  • Post your Introduction
  • Identify Teaching Problems
  • Introduction
  • Explore Teaching Problems
  • Your Teaching Issues
  • Post and Review Teaching Issues
  • Creative Teaching Ideas
  • Introduction
  • Explore Teaching Ideas
  • Post and Review Teaching Ideas
  • Group Discussion
  • Introduction
  • Web Meeting Schedule
  • Course Complete
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever